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Добавлен: 2014-11-06

Песня называется: Facade of Reality

Автор: Epica

Время mp3: 08:12

Всего просмотров: 941

Оценка: 0


Другая музыка автора Epica

Текст произведения:

Sanguis meus tibi non iam perbibendus sit

Macula aeternitatis
Numquam detergrenda
Quisnam surget et deteget
Imaginem veritatis?

People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious intentions
Only to feel superior and to have a licence to kill

Our desire to die is stronger
Than all your desire for life
There is no getting away from it now
Only true faith survives

People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious ascensions
To subject the others and to enslave to further enrich themselves

Our desire to die is stronger
Than all your desire for life
There is no getting away from it now
Only true faith survives

Our desire to die is stronger
Than all your desire for life
There is no getting away from it now
Only true faith survives

"This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today."

It doesn't matter where we die
It doesn't matter that you cry
We'll take you with us

It doesn't matter where we die
It doesn't matter that you cry

"Those people who lost their lives on the 11th of September
And those that mourn them.
Now is the time for the strength to build that community
Let that be their memorial"

A disgrace on the beyond

O servitor, sempiterne
Te grati coluimus
Odor atrox quo nos superfundis intolerabilis est

Deceive yourself by yielding
To soft words that cause no pain
Enrich yourself with different views
Learned without disdain

A disgrace on the beyond
That can never be undone
Who shall rise and unveil
The Fa


Epica Façade of Reality HD by Nahiem


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